Knead Dough Fundraiser
We invite you to host a fundraiser at your local Kneaders! Invite your friends, family and associates to dine-in or take-out during your scheduled fundraiser night, and we will donate 20% of sales to your organization.
How It Works:
- Submit your completed application and W-9 to your local Kneaders operator to schedule a weekday evening for your fundraiser. Please allow a minimum three weeks’ notice to schedule your event.
- Kneaders will provide files for printed flyers and email communication for you to promote the event.
- Earn dough! Supporters must let cashiers know they’re there to support the event and Kneaders will donate 20% of the sales, once $300 minimum is reached in the form of a check.
- A check will be issued 60-90 days following your event.
To learn more about this program, read the complete Knead Dough Fundraiser Information. If this event fits your fundraising strategy, contact your local Kneaders by calling or visiting the restaurant to check availability.